السلام عليكم.شركة نينتندو بعد إعلان الجيل الجديد ربما تصبح في مأزق لعدم دعم الشركات لها.لكن Activision وعدة شركات أخرى قامت بإطمئنان اللاعبين.فلقد قال السيد “Eric Hirshberg” حرفيا
I don’t think we’re slower to move; we’re a very choiceful company. We’re very choiceful in the number of titles we make. We scrutinize opportunities very carefully, and when we go into them we go big. And I think that’s been part of the formula for our success. We were there with a lot support for the Wii U at launch with a Call of Duty game, with a Skylanders game and with several other titles. We want to see Nintendo be successful and we want to do anything we can to help them be successful. Obviously the Wii U is struggling – that’s not a secret, I don’t think there’s any other way to read the narrative right now – but they’re a really good company and they’ve got some incredible IP that has yet to come, that they honed for that platform. We have a vested interest in making them successful
وهي تعني بإختصار:نحن شركة ليست بطيئة الحركة.ونحن نتمنى من نينتندو أن تكون ناجحة لذلك سنقدم الكثير من الدعم لها بعدة عناوين.ونحن لدينا مصلحة مع هذل الجهاز ونحن مهتمون لنجعلهم ناجحين.
الـWii U تدعمه الشركات يوما بعد يوم.ونتمنى أن يتقدم بشكل مستمر.شكرا للمتابعة