قام موقع IGN بأختيار أكثر الالعاب الكلاسيكية المطلوبة لديهم على مختلف ال Stores سواءا ال Wii او ال PS3 او ال 360 .
ووقع الاختيار على :
10) The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
Developer: Nintendo EAD
Original System: N64
Proposed New Home: Wii
We Gave It: 9.9
9) Vib Ribbon
Developer: Nana On-Sha
Original System: PSone
Proposed New Home: PlayStation 3/PSP
We Gave It: N/R
8) Super Star Wars
Developer: Sculptured Software
Original System: SNES
Proposed New Home: Wii
We Gave It: N/R
7) Blast Corps
Developer: Rare
Original System: N64
Proposed New Home: XBLA
We Gave It: 9.0
6) System Shock 2
Developer: Looking Glass Studios
Original System: PC
Proposed New Home: Xbox 360
We Gave It: 9.0
5) NiGHTS Into Dreams…
Developer: SEGA
Original System: Saturn
Proposed New Home: Wii
We Gave It: N/R
4) Star Fox 2
Developer: Argonaut
Original System: SNES
Proposed New Home: Wii
We Gave It: N/R
3) Final Fantasy VII
Developer: Squaresoft
Original System: PSone
Proposed New Home: PSN
We Gave It: 9.5
2) Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Developer: Square/Nintendo
Original System: SNES
Proposed New Home: Wii
We Gave It: N/R
1) GoldenEye 007
Developer: Rare
Original System: N64
Proposed New Home: XBLA
We Gave It: 9.7
طبعا بسبب صعوبة الاختيار , فقد كان هنالك الكثير من الخيارات المرشحة والتي تم اسقاطها
* Perfect Dark (N64)
* Panzer Dragoon Saga (Saturn)
* Crazy Taxi (DC)
* Shenmue (DC)
* Burning Rangers (Saturn)
* Jet Set Radio (DC)
* San Francisco Rush (arcade)
* Earthbound (SNES)
* Chrono Cross (PSone)
* Snatcher (Mega CD)
* Daytona USA (arcade)
* Space Channel 5 (DC)
* Secret of Mana (SNES)
* Banjo Kazooie (N64)
* Vagrant Story (PSone)
* Space Station Silicon Valley (N64)
* Mischief Makers (N64)
* Beyond Good & Evil (Xbox)
* The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay (Xbox)